Goal Setting in the Prepping Mindset

Goal setting should become a priority as a person or group moves into a prepping mindset. Setting a long term goal with a completion date is important to keep your mindset on the future. Setting many short term goals that all lead to the completion of your long term goal is the best way to achieve success.

I am a firm believer in the answer to the old question “How do you eat an elephant”? The answer is of course “one bite at a time”. This is an accurate way to describe how I prep. I set a long term goal (the elephant). Then I break that down into many short term goals (the bites). As I complete each short term goal I am one step (one bite) closer to completing my long term goal (eating the elephant).

The prepping mindset is just that a mindset. You need to prep not only with physical goods but also with knowledge.

The knowledge I have is something that no rioter or government can take from me. If I was to lose everything I have stored and saved and collected for survival it is no big deal. I will still survive because I have the knowledge I need to survive.

Get knowledge, set goals, and survive. If you do these things not only will you survive, you will thrive.

Bless one and all.

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